Prof Anise MS Wu
Plenary Speaker

Prof Anise MS Wu (胡文詩) is currently a full professor in the Department of Psychology and the former Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Macau. She is also an adjunct distinguished professor of the Southwest University of Sciences and Technology as well as a visiting professor of the Wenzhou Medical University. She received her bachelor, master, and PhD degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and is a chartered psychologist (BPS).
Her research interest is the application of psychology to explaining, predicting, and promoting both individual and public health, with a specific focus on addictive behaviours (e.g., gambling, gaming, Internet use, smartphone use, social media use, shopping, and substance use). She is also eager on developing/validating useful and reliable assessment tools (e.g., on gambling/gaming metacognitions) to facilitate Chinese addiction research.
Prof Wu has over 170 research publications, mainly as first or corresponding authors, in SCI- and/or SSCI-indexed journals including Technology in Society, Computers in Human Behaviours, Journal of Behavioural Addictions, and Addiction. The influence of her research work is well recognised internationally and she has been ranked as the world's top 2% most-cited scientists by Stanford University in the disciplines of Substance Abuse, Psychiatry, and Public Health in recent two years.
She also actively serves in the academic community, such as being editorial board members of various journals. She is currently appointed as the associate editor of the Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing, as well as Addictive Behaviours, which are esteemed multidisciplinary journals in clinical and health psychology.
Plenary Session: Smartphone Addiction: Psychological Mechanisms
and Relations to Social Media Use in Youths
Date: 22 November 2024, Friday
Time: 9.45 AM